A high-quality German artificial voice that can be generated offline should be available to any project free of charge and without any licensing restrictions.

Thorsten Müller and Dominik Kreutz have been working on this vision since October 2019. This is how the project came about.
No matter what area you come from:
- Private craft project
- Open source/community project
- Education/Research/Science
- Commercial company
- …
No matter what area you are interested in:
- Smart language assistants
- Navigation systems
- Smart homes
- Speaking refrigerators
- Reading out screen pages (accessibility)
- Interactive robotics
- …
Based on more than 35,000 free audio recordings (CCO license) and machine learning (AI), an artificial voice was trained that is available to everyone.
I wish there was a Youtube channel offering news and technical walkthroughs around open voice technology?
Anonymous 😉
Ah, there is one – mine 😆. If you are interested in Open Voice technology please consider on subscribing to my Youtube channel: